About Us

At Palmetto Children’s Academy, the development of each child’s self-esteem and sense of responsibility is our principal objective. Palmetto Children’s Academy understands that children naturally desire to learn and explore at a very young age. We strive to enhance this curiosity while encouraging the children to develop a strong sense of pride and achievement.

Our programs focus on developing physical, emotional, social and cognitive skills through a well organized, structured curriculum designed to stimulate the child’s own creativity, imagination and independence.

At Palmetto Children’s Academy, Children:

  • Are hugged first, and then taught
  • Receive instruction from knowledgeable and caring teachers
  • Experience a nurturing & stimulating educational environment
  • Improve unique gifts & talents
  • Develop critical communication skills – Reading, Writing, and Listening
  • Learn to apply these skills & knowledge
  • Are prepared to be successful academically – now and in the future
  • Participate in activities that develop skills in:
    • Reading and language development
    • Math and science
    • Social and emotional development
    • Motor development
    • Creative arts and Technology


Our program gives young children the foundation they need to develop a lifetime love of learning in a fun, caring, and educational environment:

  • Children stay healthy and fit by eating nutritious meals with a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Our menus are planned and prepared with a registered dietitian’s guidance
  • All staff are aware of the importance and values of good nutrition and share this with the children
  • Infants will receive massages and passive range of motion
  • As the children grow, they will participate in a physical exercise program