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Hey Kim,
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Thanksgiving lunch you and your staff put on today.  It was such a great opportunity to come see Aaron in the middle of the day, and as usual, you guys did a great job planning the lunch and taking care of the parents and kids.  I feel so blessed for Adele, Aaron, Mike, and me to be part of the love and happiness you spread and share with everyone there.  Just wanted to let you and your staff know how much you are appreciated!
Katy Heminger


Just had a quick thought about Paul and how happy he is every morning to go to your Academy…I just feel so blessed to have you guys care for him. I feel so at ease here at work for the first time in 3 years! I thank God for your special place and I always ask Him to bless you all abundantly in every way that there is possible. Thank you Thank you Thank you!! And please give Ms. Alisha a hug for me after you read this! She was in my mind this morning and I just feel like she has such a special future. God’s hand is on her life. Please hug for me since I am here at work and I cannot at this very moment! Thank you again! What a blessing you are to all those precious souls.
Fatima Font


Thank you so much for sharing! You have no idea how much I appreciate all of you for everything you do. It’s obvious that you love each child and want the best for them. It’s comforting to be able to come to work and not have to worry about my boys. Not to say I don’t worry about the teachers that have to take care of my boys:) I know they can be a hand full! I prayed for a very long time that God would work out childcare for my boys. Not only did God answer my prayer but he exceeded my expectations! To me, Palmetto Children’s Academy truly is the best! Thank you so much!
Melissa Taylor


Just wanted to tell you we love palmetto children’s academy!!! we are so blessed to have found a place that takes such great care of our little blessing. i can not thank you enough for all you do.
Melissa Sellers Stone


Thank you for taking care of my wonderful son Carson while I get some rest and cleaning done each day. though I do not leave him there all day it feels so good (tears) to know that he is in safe hands. Every day he is eager to tell me what he learn…ed etc… and the way yall love him makes me melt. Thank you Kim. God bless the day I found you and your staff.
Katie Schmidt-Caskey


I just wanted to make a comment about Palmetto Childrens Academy. I came in to look around this past week and was very impressed. The first thing that struck me when I walked in the door was the cleaniness and smell of the Academy. The owner, Kim, was onsite and was available to show me around. I was very impressed with her experience and the experience of the childcare workers. I liked the openness for the 2-4 y/o rooms, whereas they were separated by walls and not closed-in by doors. The entire time I was there I did not once smell the “baby area” where dirty diapers, etc., would be expected. This was a very pleasant surprise. The outside play area for the children seemed to be very well planned out also. I would highly recommend for anyone looking for childcare, to take a moment and just stop by to look around. Once I can get my work schedule straightened out, I hope to enroll my daughter.
Thanks so much,


I have known Kim and Sharon for many years. Kim started keeping my little girl Whitney when she was only 6 weeks old. Ms. Kim is truly a blessing in our community. I walked into PCA last week and was so delighted to see that Kim had grown and become such an idol in the childcare industry. If you’re looking for top quality at a great price, you should call Kim today! Best Wishes to a wonderful business!!
Susan Faircloth


My daughter has been in all different types of daycares. I wanted to find one that had some type of learning and I did with Palmetto Children’s Academy. I wanted my child to learn something instead of sitting in front of a television all day. When you walk in you see happy children no sad faces. They have structure which my child needs. My daughter loves it there. My daughter can’t stop talking about the teachers. You can tell that the teachers love their job from the time you walk in to the time you pick up your child they are still smiling. I have no worries when my daughter is there. I can go to work and do what I have to do. Thank you to all the teachers for caring for my child.
Cheryl Williams


My husband and I started looking for childcare after our in home sitter had to resign. We were nervous about putting our 1 year old in another setting, especially a larger facility than he was used to. We asked around and Kim Baker came higher recommended by so many teachers and we found out that she had opened a children’s academy. We put in our application at a couple of other places, but we did not get the same impression that we had when we first visited PCA. It is easy to see how much love the teachers give and have towards those little ones. You always see them learning or playing with age appropriate materials. We are truly happy that Jackson is at PCA and he loves going every morning. It is a relief as a parent to know that your child is well taken care of, loved so much, and learns while you are at work. Thank you PCA for helping raise my child in a loving and caring way!
Lindsay Grant


We love Palmetto Children’s Academy. Our son has grown and improved in so many ways since being here. The instructors truly love and care for each child. The staff is always so friendly and willing to help with anything. We recommend them to everyone!
The Herrings


I just wanted to say how thankful we are that Elijah is attending Palmetto Children’s Academy. Within one week of Elijah attending, he was completely potty trained, which we had been working with him for several months. He has learned so much in the past few months, he wows me all the time telling me things I didn’t think he was ready to know. Ms. Alicia and Ms. Blair do a great job with him, and his attitude has tremendously changed. We are still working on the mornings, but only time will help that I believe. I am very grateful that I know he is in such good hands throughout the day and that when I get there to pick him up, he only has good things to say about his day. I am not sure how they get him to eat broccoli or spaghetti but he comes home to tell me that he runs faster because of it, and when I cook it, he says he doesn’t like it. Once again we are just thankful that he is safe and has a great place to attend daily.
Thank you,
Katie Nichols


My daughter has been with Kim and Sharon for almost 3 years now. She started with them when Kim was doing it out of her home. I was VERY hesitant in putting Izzy in daycare because of all the horror stories you hear these days. Well, Kim and Sharon are like surrogate mothers to Izzy. They love her as if she is one of their own. I feel so utterly comfortable with them taking care of my angel and highly reccommend them! Thanks ladies for all you do!! You are appreciated!
Heather Wright


My husband and I have been extremely impressed by the organization at PCA. The staff is friendly, attentive and caring, which tells me that they enjoy what they do each day! Our daughter has great fun playing and learning with her friends at her “school” and we love to see that. I always talk about our choice of daycare as the best possible place we could have picked to send our child. It is a real comfort to know that she is nurtured and cared for each day.
Amanda Daigle


From 6 months of age to approximately three years old, my daughter had been enrolled in three different daycare facilities, none of which I was thrilled about. The daycares ranged in levels of expense and quality of service but not one of them came close to exciting me. That is exactly the feeling I have for my daughters new daycare facility, Palmetto Childrens’ Academy. Every morning when I drop her off I am thrilled for her as I know she is receiving the best care I could hope for. The staff genuinely care for each and every child on a personal level. The curriculum is not only pushing my child to be her best intellectually but also instilling her with a set of values that will prove to be a most valuable asset as she grows into an adult. I can honestly say that I could not be happier with my childs daycare facility and the top notch care she receives there. Thank you, Palmetto Childrens Academy, for what you give to my little girl!
Most Sincerely,
Josh Gray


Wow, what can I say about PCA? My son has been attending PCA since August of 2009 and he has enjoyed every minute. This is no daycare, it is a home. Walker has been given the best care, love and education each and everyday. I have never had a worry about what he would do during his time there or what he would learn. I could never have taught him everything he has learned in such a short time. Also, he is fed very well. He loves eating the yummy foods at school and has tried many new foods that he wouldn’t try at home. We, as a family, love that we have found such a Christian, loving home for our child to stay in while we work. They are so accommodating and we could not wish for anything better. Each day we hug, kiss and say “Love you” to any and all teachers we see before we can leave. Thanks for everything PCA and we love you!
Emily, Josh and Walker Norris


I want you to know that PJ and I could not be more thrilled with how things have been going for Cara at Palmetto. She LOVES her teachers, and they take such good care of her. I love it when Cara laughs at Ambar or Anna because I know they have the best interests of my baby girl at heart. I am so thankful that we chose Palmetto Children’s Academy!
Thank you,
Jessica Cooper


Paul is going to the charter school in Rock Hill, York Preparatory Academy where Trinity Christian School use to be. They test each child so that they can place them in classes that are fit for their level. Paul will be going to the 1st grade class for language arts and math : ) I just wanted to say thank you for keeping your word when you promised me that not only would my son be loved dearly but would also be challenged academically. This summer he really began to soar with his reading. The lessons that Mrs. Perry gave really stuck with him because he sounds out so many words while I read to him at night now. He has been doing this all summer and finally read me a couple of stories by sounding out each word. Thank you!! You guys invested so much into Paul and it is evident. we look forward to seeing you soon. Paul misses you so I have to go over soon. and Abby is going to be 6months old. We hope to place her in your school when she is going on two yrs! so thats only 1 1/2 away. Just wanted to say thank you again. Please let Mrs. Perry know!! I love her so much and am grateful for the time Paul spent with her. So grateful! God bless you all & your school Kim!
Fatima Font


Kim and Sharon,
I wanted to take a minute to tell you thank you for everything you and the staff of PCA does for our family. I was so excited last night when Ashley sat down in the kitchen and started saying her “Pledge of Allegiance” while I was making dinner. Steven and I were amazed. I know that she is so happy while she is at school. I also wanted to tell you how good everything looks around there. If I can do anything to help I would be glad to. Keep up the wonderful job. Your love for children is our gift. Have a great weekend.
Angie Williams


Hello Kim,
I looked and saw that I still had your email from last year!  I just wanted to thank you for the time you took yesterday to show me around and answer my questions.  And you did it all with a smile and genuine care.  I can tell that you are certainly doing what you have been called by God to do.  The children at your daycare spoke volumes about it, even more than your words.  I could tell that they all love you, and know that you love them.

I look forward to talking with you again soon.  I appreciate your prayers for our family as we seek God’s will in childcare for any and all of our children. Thanks again!
Kayra Jo Winn


Just wanted to say that Rob and I are truely impressed with how much ava has learned in such a short time. We both were concerned that she may be behind coming in late, but ms. alicia has obviously worked really hard with the children, and yes we will miss mr. aaron… fortunately ava has an advantage and knows where he lives.. Thanks again for providing a great place for Ava to learn!!   You are doing a great job!!!
Angie Jackson


Hi Kim,
I wanted to let you know that after a lot of thought and prayer, we have decided to keep Jake at PCA!  As I had previously stated, our decision to even look at other centers was never about the care or our disagreement that your staff needed raises, because we feel your staff most definitely deserve them for the great job they do.  However, we were not sure we could afford the increase with our other expenses.  As we thought, we could go to many other places for less, but it came down to our trust with Jake at your facility and his best interest.  We all know he did not handle the change to a new facility very good.  LOL   Not to mention how much he LOVES all of you guys and how much Mark & I like it there too.

Anyway, please let the teachers know that because of them, the love and care they give Jake and the atmosphere your facility radiates, we are proud to continue to call PCA ‘home’ for our son.
Thank you,
Kim & Mark Mitchell


Thank you for making sure Finn had a great first day. Please praise Katie because she was awesome with communicating with me all day. She even called me on her lunch break and when she got off work. That meant the world to me. And I am sure the other teachers were just as amazing. Kim, you should be so proud for what you have accomplised with PCA! Love ya’ll.
Heather and Ryan     February 21, 2011
Heather Chen & Ryan Biggers


Dear Ladies;
Just a note to take a minute to thank you for all you have done for the wonderful children of Palmetto Children’s Academy, and especially Emily.

I have seen this child blossom and grow emotionally, physically and in intellect so much in the past two years. I am so indebted to you and your colleagues there, a debit I can never repay, as you people have taken care of my child in the most gracious, honest and caring manner as if she is your own.  The place is like “Cheers” where everyone knows your name (or the children’s name) and that is impressive.

It’s only two months away when it will be time to say “Good bye” to all the staff, teachers, children, and “Family” we have come to know at PCA. That will be hard as going from the familiar to the unknown is always a tough situation. I can assure you though, every success, every milestone, every time Emily shows personal integrity, unselfishness and love, I will remember it all started at PCA. I’ll remember each and every one of you, and how you helped me raise my little girl when there was no one else there to help.

God bless you all, and from the bottom of my heart, I send my most sincere thanks. PCA will become to be known as the house that love and Kim Baker’s people built (with some help from Rick). Much success in the future and carry on God’s work, it’s a clear vision you have Kim from God as to your calling, ministry and vocation, and you do it well. All of you do.

Joe Pastor
4K Dad
Joe Pastor


Over the last 4 months our 1-year-old son has been through 4 major life changes that left him sad, uncertain and quite angry.  He was also not talking yet.  The last change was moving him from another daycare in town to PCA, after feeling The LORD’s prompting to do so.  When we picked him up from his 1st day at PCA he was in a GREAT mood and acting like the little boy we had known not so long ago.  This continued throughout the entire 1st week.  He also began talking that 1st night and by the end of the week he had started speaking sentences.  We are so grateful for the nurturing love you have obviously shown him and for the consistency he truly needed.  We are so happy to have our happy little boy back.  We feel so blessed that The LORD led us to PCA!  May God continue to bless you as you bless so many and do His work.
Donnie and Jamie Lopez
Jamie Lopez